Notepad++ window switcher plugin

For quite some time, Notepad++ has become my favourite text editor. I wrote a small plugin to fit it even more with my coding habbits. If you want to switch to a certain window with a shortcut and/or open/switch to the corresponding source/header file for the current document, then this plugin might do what you want.

This is the initial version of the Window Switcher Notepad++ plugin.

What does it do

How to install

  1. copy the plugin corresponding to your Notepad++ version into the Notepad++\plugins directory. Use NppWindowSwitcherAnsi.dll for ANSI version and NppWindowSwitcherUnicode.dll for UNICODE.
  2. configure the shortcuts
  3. if you want to use the default shortcuts, be aware of the fact that ALT+1 .. ALT+8 are bound by default to collapse current level functionality. Go to Settings -> Shortcut mapper -> Main Menu and change the shortcuts so they point to something else. I remaped them to Ctrl+Alt+1Ctrl+Alt+8
  4. enjoy

Download the plugin here.

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